Home व्यापार Do you know that the punishment for crimes related to Aadhaar card...

Do you know that the punishment for crimes related to Aadhaar card is that along with jail, you will have to pay a fine of Rs 1 lakh

Aadhaar card
Aadhaar Card is one of the most important documents in today’s time. Which is used as an identity card. But do you know that there is a provision of strict punishment for crimes related to Aadhaar Card (Aadhaar Card Related Criminal). All citizens should have all the information about small and big crimes related to Aadhaar card and the punishment related to them.
These are the crimes of Aadhaar card and the punishments related to them.
· If any person gives wrong demographic or wrong information while making Aadhaar card, then it will also be considered a crime. Such a person may have to pay a jail term of 3 years as well as a fine of Rs 10,000 or both.
· If any person misuses the Aadhaar information of another person, then in such a case it will also be kept in the category of crime. In such a case, there is a provision of 3 years jail or a fine of Rs 10,000 in the case of an individual, or a fine of Rs 1 lakh in the case of a company or both.
· If a person pretends to be an employee of a government agency to collect someone’s identity or other information, then it will also be considered a serious crime. Such a person can be punished with imprisonment of three years or a fine of ten thousand rupees or both.
Even if any person is found changing or attempting to change the Aadhaar information of another person, he will be categorized as a crime. Such a person can also be punished with imprisonment of three years or a fine of ten thousand rupees or both.
· If a person’s personal information is sent to an unauthorized person, it will also be considered a crime. In such a case also, the punishment can be imprisonment of three years or a fine of ten thousand rupees or both.
· If any person is found tampering with the data available in the Central Identity Data Repository, he will also be considered a crime. In such a case, the person can be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment or a fine of Rs 10,000 or both.
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