The fate of candidates on 190 seats in the second phase of Lok Sabha elections has been sealed in EVMs. Now in the third phase, it is the turn of 95 Lok Sabha seats of 13 states including Madhya Pradesh, where voting is on 7th May. After this phase of voting, elections for more than half of the Lok Sabha seats will be completed. In the third phase of Lok Sabha elections, elections were to be held on 94 seats, but in the second phase, the election on Betul seat became vacant due to the death of BSP candidate. Now elections are to be held on this seat in the third phase, due to which elections are being held on 95 seats.
Let us tell you, if we look at the election results of these 95 seats in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP was successful in winning 72 seats. Congress could get only 4 seats. Whereas other parties had got 19 seats. Let us tell you that since the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, BJP’s graph has increased while Congress’s seats have decreased. In 2009, BJP had won 47 seats and in 2014 this figure increased to 67 seats.
Former MP Rama Singh resigned from RJD
Bihar’s prominent leader and former MP Rama Singh resigned from the primary membership of RJD on Tuesday. He has sent his resignation letter to RJD National President Lalu Prasad Yadav. Rama Singh had recently joined RJD. There is news that he will join LJP Ram Vilas. It is being told that Rama Singh wanted Lok Sabha ticket from Vaishali or Shivhar. Rama Singh was disillusioned with RJD due to not getting the ticket. Perhaps this could be the reason why Rama Singh has resigned from RJD.
Election postponed on Anantnag seat of Jammu and Kashmir
The date of voting for Anantnag-Rajouri Lok Sabha seat of Jammu and Kashmir has been extended. Earlier, voting on this seat was to be held in the third phase on 7th May, but now voting will be held here in the sixth phase on 25th May. Apni Party, Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference, Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) and BJP had requested the Election Commission to postpone the May 7 voting on this seat. Rescheduling of elections due to adverse weather conditions in Anantnag-Rajouri parliamentary constituency was demanded by some parties and candidates.
Sharad Pawar said- PM Modi should think before calling Rahul Gandhi a prince.
There is also a war of words between Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and PM Modi. Meanwhile, NCP supremo Sharad Pawar has targeted Modi for calling Rahul Gandhi a prince. He said, it is not right to call Rahul a prince. He said, PM should think carefully while criticizing Rahul Gandhi. Sharad Pawar also cited Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra and said that power never remains in any one hand.
Amit Shah said- Why is the Congress government not taking action against Prajwal?
Home Minister Amit Shah questioned the Congress government of Karnataka as to why action was not taken against MP Prajwal Revanna in the case of alleged sexual exploitation of women. Shah said that BJP will not tolerate insult to women. He said, Congress is in power in Karnataka and this matter must have come to their notice. Why hasn’t he taken any action yet? We cannot take action because law and order is a state issue.
Congress released names of four candidates, tickets to Anand Sharma from Kangra and Raj Babbar from Gurugram.
Congress has released the list of 4 candidates for the Lok Sabha elections. In this, the names of Anand Sharma from Kangra, Raj Babbar from Gurugram, Satpal Raizada from Hamirpur seat of Himachal Pradesh and Bhushan Patil from Mumbai North have been announced. Raj Babbar has been the President of UP Congress. On this seat, Raj Babbar is facing BJP’s Rao Inderjit Singh and JJP’s Rahul Yadav Fazilpuria. Voting is to be held here on 25th May.
BJP’s strong fort in the third phase
In the third phase, there are elections on 25 seats in Gujarat, BJP had managed to win all the seats in 2014 and 2019.
BJP has also made a clean sweep on the 9 seats of Madhya Pradesh in the last elections.
This was the situation in the last elections
BJP had captured all the 14 seats in Karnataka.
BJP had won 8 out of 10 seats in UP.
BJP has 5 seats in Bihar.
BJP captured all the 11 seats in Maharashtra.
Of the four seats in Assam where elections are to be held, one seat is held by Badruddin Ajmal and the remaining three seats are with NDA.
In the last Lok Sabha elections, BJP had won 6 out of 7 seats in Chhattisgarh.
Disclaimer : इस न्यूज़ पोर्टल को बेहतर बनाने में सहायता करें और किसी खबर या अंश मे कोई गलती हो या सूचना / तथ्य में कोई कमी हो अथवा कोई कॉपीराइट आपत्ति हो तो वह [email protected] पर सूचित करें। साथ ही साथ पूरी जानकारी तथ्य के साथ दें। जिससे आलेख को सही किया जा सके या हटाया जा सके ।