Home स्वास्थ्य-जीवनशैली Unveiling the Mysteries of Rajasthan: Exploring the Enigmatic Bhangarh Fort

Unveiling the Mysteries of Rajasthan: Exploring the Enigmatic Bhangarh Fort

Unveiling the Mysteries of Rajasthan: Exploring the Enigmatic Bhangarh Fort

Rajasthan, renowned for its rich culture and traditions, stands as a premier tourism destination worldwide. Each year, a significant number of travelers flock to witness the beauty of this state. Its diverse landscapes and vibrant culture have always been a magnet for people. Besides, Rajasthan boasts numerous stunning forts and palaces that showcase India’s glorious history.

Discovering Bhangarh Fort: A Glimpse into History and Mystery

Nestled amidst the historical structures of this state lies the Bhangarh Fort. This fort holds its own rich history. However, it is more famous for its mysterious elements. Let’s delve into the history of Bhangarh Fort and the secrets it holds.

The Historical Background of Bhangarh Fort

Situated between Jaipur and Alwar city, Bhangarh Fort is located approximately 50 kilometers from Sariska Sanctuary. The construction of this fort was commissioned by Raja Madho Singh, the younger brother of the renowned Mughal general Man Singh, in the 17th century. Besides the royal palace, Bhangarh housed over 9000 residences until 1720, which gradually disappeared over time. The premises of this fort comprise magnificent havelis, temples, and deserted markets, bearing testament to its golden history. The fort, with its serene ambiance, picturesque Aravalli hills, and exquisite architecture, attracts a large number of tourists.

The Legend of Bhangarh Fort: Unraveling the Mysteries

Bhangarh Fort’s fame for its mysteries precedes its beauty. It is regarded as one of the most haunted places in India, where entry after sunset is strictly prohibited. It is believed that paranormal activities occur within the fort premises, deterring visitors from entering or exploring the fort after dusk.

The Folklore Surrounding Bhangarh Fort

Numerous legends surround the origin of this fort. One popular belief is associated with a sage named Baba Balanath. It is said that the land where Bhangarh Fort stands today belonged to this sage, who granted permission for its construction with one condition – no structure should overshadow his home. However, Ajai Singh, the grandson of Madho Singh, disregarded this condition, resulting in the fort’s destruction and the downfall of the city.

The Tale of Princess Ratnavati

The haunted reputation of Bhangarh Fort is also linked to Princess Ratnavati. Legend has it that the princess, renowned for her beauty, unwittingly captivated a sorcerer skilled in dark magic. Upon discovering his intentions, she cleverly foiled his plans by tricking him into consuming a potion that turned into a lethal weapon upon contact with a stone. Before dying, the sorcerer cursed the city, predicting its imminent doom and the demise of its inhabitants at the hands of outsiders.

Unraveling the Mystery of Bhangarh Fort

The locals believe that if one listens closely near the fort’s walls, they can hear whispers of spirits. Additionally, some claim to hear the cries of a woman breaking bangles or weeping. Moreover, visitors often report feeling a sensation of being followed during daytime visits to the fort.

Exploring Bhangarh Fort: Practical Information

Despite its haunted reputation, Bhangarh Fort remains a popular tourist destination. Visitors can explore the fort during daytime hours. The nearest airport is in Jaipur, approximately 80 kilometers away from Bhangarh. From there, one can cover the remaining distance by tourist taxis or buses. For those traveling by train, Bhangarh is accessible from nearby railway stations like Bhan Kari Railway Station and Dausa Railway Station. Additionally, direct buses are available from major cities across the country. The fort is open for exploration from 6 am to 6 pm daily.

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