Home रोजगार Heat Hellfire: Delhi and Bihar Sizzle as IMD Forecasts May Rain Relief

Heat Hellfire: Delhi and Bihar Sizzle as IMD Forecasts May Rain Relief


In most parts of North India including the national capital Delhi, the maximum and minimum temperatures in the month of May may be above normal and heat wave may last for two to four days. India Meteorological Department (IMD) gave this information on Wednesday.

IMD chief Mrityunjay Mohapatra told a press conference through digital medium that the maximum temperature is likely to be above normal in most parts of the country except most parts of North-East India, North-West India, some parts of Central India and North-Eastern Peninsular India. According to him, the mercury is likely to remain below normal in most parts of Northeast India and some parts of Northwest India and Central India and Northeast Peninsular India.

The heat will be harsh from Delhi to Bihar
Mahapatra said that similarly, except some parts of North-West India, Gangetic plains, Central India and most parts of North-East India, the minimum temperature in most areas of the country may also remain above normal. According to him, the minimum temperature is likely to be below normal in some parts of North-West India, Gangetic plains, Central India and most parts of Northeast India. He said that in other areas including Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh and North Rajasthan, the maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to be above normal in the month of May.

Mohapatra said that heat wave may last for about two to four days in East Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, some parts of Chhattisgarh, interior Odisha, Ganga plains in West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar and other areas. Which is more than normal. Generally, heat waves last for about three days in May in the northern plains, central India and adjoining areas of peninsular India.

It will rain in these places in May
The IMD chief said that heat wave is expected to last for about 5-8 days in South Rajasthan, West Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Marathwada and Gujarat regions. He said that in May 2024, normal rainfall is expected across the country which can be 91-109 percent of LPA (long term average). According to him, based on 1971 to 2020, the LPA of rainfall during May is around 61.4 mm.

Mohapatra said that there is a possibility of normal to above normal rainfall in most parts of North-West India, some parts of Central India, South Peninsular India and Northeast India. There is a possibility of below normal rainfall in the remaining parts of the country. He said that Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Telangana and Tamil Nadu may receive normal or above normal rainfall.

I will travel a lot in April
IMD Chief said that there is a possibility of below normal rainfall in many parts of Odisha, North Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Southern West Bengal, some parts of Northeast, Rayalaseema of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. He also said that the average temperature in Eastern and North-Eastern India in April was 28.12 degrees Celsius, which was the highest since 1901.

According to Mohapatra, the frequency of storms was below average, so temperatures in East and Northeast India were relatively high. He said that the average maximum temperature in South Peninsular India in April was 31 degrees Celsius, which was the second highest since 1901.

Mahapatra told that after 2016, the heat wave lasted for maximum 16 days in April this year in Odisha. He also said that 12.6 mm rainfall was recorded in South Peninsular India in April. This region has received the fifth least rainfall in April since 1901 and the second least since 2001.

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