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Aadhaar Card Update Deadline Extended Till June 14: Here’s How to Do It for Free

Aadhaar Card Update Deadline Extended Till June 14: Here's How to Do It for Free

Aadhaar Card Update : In today’s digital age, where identification plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, ensuring the accuracy and validity of personal information is paramount. Aadhaar, India’s unique identification system, has become an integral part of this landscape, providing individuals with a universally recognized proof of identity. However, to maintain its relevance and effectiveness, it’s essential for Aadhaar cardholders to regularly update their information.

Aadhaar Card Update Deadline Extension: What You Need to Know

The recent announcement of the extension of the Aadhaar card update deadline until June 14, 2024, comes as a relief to many individuals who may have been struggling to meet the previous deadline. This extension offers cardholders additional time to review and update their information, ensuring that it remains accurate and up to date.

Why Updating Your Aadhaar Card Is Important

Keeping your Aadhaar card information current is not only a legal requirement but also essential for accessing various services and benefits. Here are some reasons why updating your Aadhaar card is important:

  1. Legal Compliance: Failure to update your Aadhaar card with accurate information could result in legal complications, as it may lead to discrepancies in official records.
  2. Access to Government Services: Many government services and benefits are linked to Aadhaar, and having outdated information could hinder your ability to avail of these services.
  3. Prevention of Identity Theft: Updating your Aadhaar card helps prevent identity theft and misuse of your personal information by ensuring that only current and accurate details are on record.

How to Update Your Aadhaar Card for Free

Updating your Aadhaar card is a simple and straightforward process, and thanks to recent initiatives, it can now be done for free. Here’s how you can update your Aadhaar card information without incurring any charges:

  1. Online Update: Visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and navigate to the Aadhaar update section. Follow the instructions provided to update your information online.
  2. Visit an Aadhaar Enrolment Centre: Alternatively, you can visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre near you to update your information in person. Be sure to carry relevant documents such as proof of identity and address for verification purposes.
  3. Mobile Update Service: Some mobile service providers offer Aadhaar update services through their mobile apps. Check with your service provider to see if this option is available to you.

Documents Required for Aadhaar Card Update

When updating your Aadhaar card, you may be required to provide supporting documents to verify the changes you wish to make. Here are some commonly accepted documents for Aadhaar card updates:

  • Proof of Identity: Documents such as a passport, PAN card, or driver’s license can be used to verify your identity.
  • Proof of Address: Utility bills, bank statements, or rental agreements are commonly accepted as proof of address.
  • Proof of Date of Birth: Birth certificate, passport, or school leaving certificate can be used to verify your date of birth.
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