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The Vital Importance of Wetlands: A Global Perspective

The Vital Importance of Wetlands: A Global Perspective

Wetlands, where water meets land, are unique ecosystems found across the globe. These areas play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet’s environment. Recognizing the significance of wetlands, World Wetlands Day is observed every year on the 2nd of February.

The Necessity of Wetlands

Wetlands are essential because they contribute to reducing water pollution and fostering the development of both fauna and flora. These areas are often rich in plant life, including medicinal plants used in the production of various medicines.

Celebrating World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day can be celebrated in various settings, from the shores of lakes and ponds to the banks of rivers and oceans. Any land consistently submerged in water throughout the year qualifies as wetland. The purpose of observing World Wetlands Day on February 2nd is to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands globally and to emphasize the need to preserve these vital ecosystems.

When is World Wetlands Day Celebrated?

The inaugural celebration of World Wetlands Day took place on February 2, 1971, during the Wetland Convention held in Ramsar, Iran. The convention was officially adopted in 1975, and the first World Wetlands Day was celebrated on February 2, 1997. India, recognizing the significance of wetlands, signed the convention in 1982.

India’s Chilika Lake: A Recognized Wetland

Wetlands come in various forms, including coastal wetlands with saline water and mangroves, estuaries, and lagoons. On the other hand, inland wetlands consist of lakes, ponds, marshy lands, and riverbanks prone to flooding. Additionally, human-made wetlands, such as fishponds, salt pans, and paddy fields, serve various purposes. Notably, Ramsar, Iran, and Chilika Lake in Odisha, India, are recognized as Wetlands of International Importance by UNESCO.

Chilika Lake, along with four other wetlands in India, is part of UNESCO’s list of heritage sites. Since these wetlands are crucial for both nature and wildlife, various programs and events are organized globally on February 2nd to educate the public about their importance and encourage conservation efforts.

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