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What is CAA: 14 people got Indian citizenship for the first time after CAA implementation

What is CAA: 14 people got Indian citizenship for the first time after CAA implementation

What is CAA: Under the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), 14 people were given citizenship in New Delhi on Wednesday. Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla gave citizenship certificates to these people. Modi government had issued the CAA notification on March 11. A Home Ministry spokesperson said, these people had applied online for citizenship on the portal, after which their applications were processed and then the certificate of citizenship was given. The Home Secretary congratulated all the applicants and while granting citizenship, explained the special features of CAA.

Along with giving citizenship to these people, the process of giving citizenship to non-Muslim immigrants who came to India after being victims of torture in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh started. The CAA was introduced in December 2019 to provide Indian citizenship to non-Muslim migrants who were persecuted in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan and who came to India on or before December 31, 2014.

These include people from Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian communities. After becoming law, the CAA received the assent of the President but the rules under which Indian citizenship was to be granted were issued on March 11 this year after a delay of more than four years.

The government had notified CAA on March 11, 2024. Under this, a system has been created to process the applications by the district level committee and to investigate and grant citizenship by the state level empowered committee to those who had applied.

It is noteworthy that the Central Government has created a portal to acquire citizenship under CAA. For this, refugees will have to apply online. The center has the right to grant citizenship.

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