Top Visa Free Beach Destinations: In our busy and busy world, wanderlust travelers are often deterred from traveling the world because of time-consuming paperwork. Luckily, there are places in the world that don’t require a visa. The following four are visa-free beach destinations in India. So pack your bags and carry your passport with you.
1. Visit Fiji without a visa
Fiji is a tropical island full of beautiful beaches as well as dense forests and exotic wildlife. The 300 beautiful islands offer a variety of water sports including diving, snorkeling and paragliding. It’s every adrenaline junkie’s dream and Indians can visit Fiji without a visa.
2. Visa-free beach destinations in Micronesia
Another hidden gem and visa-free beach destination is Micronesia. This archipelago consists of 600 beautiful natural islands in the western Pacific. Swim among coral reefs and enjoy the exotic beaches of Micronesia without the hassle of paperwork.
3. Haiti
All you need to enjoy Haiti’s pristine blue waters is your passport and your best bikini. In addition to being a popular tropical destination, Haiti is known among locals for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere that makes visitors feel at home.
4. Niue
Indian citizens can enter this beautiful island in New Zealand without a visa for 30 days. You can connect to this exotic destination through New Zealand. Just grab your passport and you’re ready for the vacation of a lifetime.
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