UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar anticipates the release of CUETPG results either tonight or tomorrow. The Common University Entrance Test for Postgraduate (CUETPG) results are highly awaited by candidates across the country.
CUETPG Results Announcement
The announcement of CUETPG results is imminent, with UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar confirming the anticipation. This announcement has sparked excitement among candidates who have been eagerly awaiting their results.
UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar’s Statement
UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar has stated that the CUETPG results are likely to be released either tonight or tomorrow. This news comes as a relief to many candidates who have been anxiously waiting for their results.
Expectations Among Candidates
Candidates are eagerly anticipating the release of CUETPG results. With the announcement expected to be made soon, candidates are preparing themselves for the outcome of their hard work and dedication.
Disclaimer : इस न्यूज़ पोर्टल को बेहतर बनाने में सहायता करें और किसी खबर या अंश मे कोई गलती हो या सूचना / तथ्य में कोई कमी हो अथवा कोई कॉपीराइट आपत्ति हो तो वह [email protected] पर सूचित करें। साथ ही साथ पूरी जानकारी तथ्य के साथ दें। जिससे आलेख को सही किया जा सके या हटाया जा सके ।