Home राष्ट्रीय Political Turmoil in Jharkhand Congress as Cabinet Expansion Triggers Discontent Among Lawmakers

Political Turmoil in Jharkhand Congress as Cabinet Expansion Triggers Discontent Among Lawmakers

Political Turmoil in Jharkhand Congress as Cabinet Expansion Triggers Discontent Among Lawmakers

The recent expansion of the cabinet under the leadership of Chief Minister Champai Soren in Jharkhand has stirred up a hornet’s nest within the Congress party. There is growing unrest among the Congress ranks over the allocation of ministerial positions. Many Congress legislators are disgruntled by the reappointment of familiar faces to ministerial roles. Figures like Anoop Singh, Irfan Ansari, Amba Prasad, Viksal Kongari, and Deepika Pandey Singh, among others, find themselves part of this discontented faction.

Dissatisfaction among Congress Lawmakers over Cabinet Expansion

In light of the recent cabinet expansion in Jharkhand, Congress lawmaker Anoop Singh, speaking to the media, expressed concerns regarding the situation. He stated, “We are a group of twelve individuals. We have conveyed our concerns to the party leadership through a written communication with our PCC president Rajesh Thakur. Our demands remain unchanged. Although we participated in the oath-taking ceremony, it doesn’t imply that we have abandoned our demands. We are simply endeavoring to make our party aware of our concerns.”

Response from the State President

Subsequent to the oath-taking ceremony, Jharkhand Congress President Rajesh Thakur held discussions with a group of Congress lawmakers to address their grievances. Thakur clarified that he had been made aware of their sentiments even before the oath-taking. He assured the lawmakers that he had conveyed their concerns to the central leadership in Delhi. Thakur stated, “Their dissatisfaction prompted them to attend the oath-taking ceremony. We understand their sentiments and will discuss them further.”

Discontent among Lawmakers Denied Ministerial Positions

Notably, eight lawmakers took the oath for ministerial positions on Friday, February 16. Among them were Rameshwar Uraon, Banna Gupta, Badal, Mithilesh Thakur, Basant Soren, Deepak Birua, Hafizul Hasan, and Baby Devi. Rameshwar Uraon, Banna Gupta, and Badal are all Congress legislators. Basant Soren and Deepak Birua, except for them, all were ministers in Hemant Soren’s previous government. Basant Soren is the younger brother of Hemant Soren. Thus, four Congress ministers have been included in Champai Soren’s government. The discontent among other party lawmakers who didn’t secure ministerial positions is now out in the open.

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