The recent uproar in the Lok Sabha regarding demonstrators bringing in what was described as a ‘gas cylinder’ has ignited a firestorm of debate. This incident took center stage after Rahul Gandhi’s televised remarks. The Congress leader arrived at Jantar Mantar to protest against the detention of MPs from the opposition alliance I.N.D.I.A, alleging their confinement due to their stand against the government. Rahul Gandhi’s statement about the demonstrators bringing in a ‘gas cylinder’ to the Lok Sabha has sparked curiosity. Was it truly a gas cylinder as asserted by Rahul, or does the truth lie elsewhere? Before delving into this, let’s uncover what Rahul said today at Jantar Mantar.
Security Breach and the Motive Behind the Protest
During the protest against the government, Rahul Gandhi claimed that a few youths managed to jump over the Parliament House security and enter the premises. He vividly described the incident, mentioning how they dispersed some smoke, causing commotion among BJP MPs who hastily vacated the area. Those who often portray themselves as patriots seemed to lose their composure. However, the pressing question remains: How did they manage to breach security to bring in not just any object but a ‘gas cylinder’ into Parliament? If a gas cylinder could be brought in, what else could potentially infiltrate? While the security breach is a cause for concern, the underlying reason for their protest was unemployment. The nation grapples with staggering joblessness, leaving the youth in despair.
Recap of an Unsettling Incident
This incident occurred on the anniversary of the Parliament attack, a date etched in history for a security lapse on 13th December. As the Lok Sabha proceedings were underway, the nation witnessed the daring act of Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D inside the Parliament premises. Sharma was seen running towards a bench and emitting yellow smoke as an act of protest. Both were swiftly apprehended. Shortly after, two others, Amol Shinde and Neelam Devi, were also detained outside the Parliament building. Rahul Gandhi’s reference to a ‘cylinder’ was actually to a ‘can.’ Initially, the reports were ambiguous, but the recorded video during the demonstration clarified the object’s nature. (Watch the video below for a clear view.)
This is what’s commonly known as a smoke can, easily handheld and often used worldwide to signal messages. While some reports referred to it as a smoke grenade, it was nothing close to a cylinder. Hence, the question arises: Did Rahul Gandhi mistakenly refer to it as a cylinder, assuming it was a kitchen gas cylinder, while what was handled was a canister of smoke-inducing substance called ‘ken’? Only Rahul can decipher whether it was a slip of the tongue or a deliberate mis
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